Last week I DVR'd an episode of Only in America hosted by Larry the Cable Guy. Now, I am of mixed feelings on this show. He is a funny guy; however, he does on occasion throw out the occasional right wing talking point or slams a democratic politician. The episode I watched this evening about Secret Santa. Seemed a little odd to watch this story in July...but hey, I will roll with it.
How I wish I had the money to help people in the way these Secret Santa's do. At one point the man playing Santa stated that he goes through one hundred thousand dollars each Christmas season. Giving away that amount of money just boggles my mind.
It seems even more amazing to me after the conversation I had this morning with my son and ex-wife. We have a decision to make in the coming weeks about our Beagle, Gus. He is having some serious issues urinating...and we do not know how we can even afford to take him to the vet. If it is anything serious we will more than likely have to put him down. These are not happy times in the Andersen household.
What makes this even worse is that a couple of weeks ago my ex-wife had to attend a meeting where she works. The CEO of the company stated that they will all have to do more with less (something I have been doing where I work for two years) that they have to tighten their belts and sacrifice. They were then informed that they would all have to take furlough days. The CEO will retain his six-figure salary and his six figure bonus.
Wouldn't it be a better world for all of us if the haves realized that the have-nots are the reason they are haves...I am tired of being told that I have to sacrifice...when I don't see any of the haves sacrificing.