Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Paul Ryan...are you serious? Really?

I was going to write up a blog post today on the recall elections and Republican election fraud today; however, I figure that there are a lot of other outlets that are better qualified and doing a far better job of covering the recall elections than I can do. I also did not want Paul Ryan to get away with saying something incredibly stupid.

“We are already taxing our job creators and our businesses more than our foreign competitors are taxing theirs,” House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said on CBS’s “The Early Show.”

“We don’t want to go farther down that path,” Ryan said. “We want to make sure that America’s job producers, our employers, are not put at a huge competitive disadvantage. And right now they’re paying higher tax rates.”
Paul Ryan: Don’t hike business taxes
Really? Did he really just say, "We are already taxing our job creators and our businesses more than our  foreign competitors." Sadly, yes he did, which only proves that the congressman from the first district of our fair state is out of touch with reality.

How far out of touch...well, I am sure you all remember this,
The company (General Electric) reported worldwide profits of $14.2 billion, and said $5.1 billion of the total came from its operations in the United States.

Its American tax bill? None. In fact, G.E. claimed a tax benefit of $3.2 billion.
G.E.’s Strategies Let It Avoid Taxes Altogether
So not only did GE not pay any taxes...they got a rebate of $3.2 billion!! And Ryan says that American Business are overtaxed? If GE was overtaxed in 2010 then why did they get such a large rebate? Why are American business sitting on piles and piles of cash, why are these same businesses paying CEOs million or billion dollar bonuses?

American businesses are not overtaxed. They need to pay their fair share. Businesses require a educated workforce, they require infrastructure to transport goods and services. They require a safe, secure, environment in order to do business. All of these things are paid for by taxes. The argument that they are the job creators so they should not pay is a foolish argument. Business may create jobs; however, without government support, i.e. education, infrastructure, police and fire protection, they could not turn a profit. Congressman Ryan, you sir are wrong, your ideas, your parties policies are not good for Wisconsin nor are the good for the United States.


  1. Scott Brown, my senator, said the same thing in a considerably less coherent manner than Ryan.

  2. I wouldn't even say that what Ryan said was coherent. He is selling his constituants down the river.
